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    feel good, play well!

A Neuronet®™ System is a combination of uniquely  generated sound frequencies that can be used to alter your brainwaves and influence your moods. Unlike traditional brainwave products, our System includes an unparalleled and unique three layer harmonic comprising of the SR-ET®™ Sound Wave, Dynaliminal®™ Messaging and APK Frequency  Matching Technology®

The Neuronet®™ System in conjunction with The Golf Project® and Creation of Abilitee®™ are custom designed recordings using the SR-ET Sound Wave to bring about specific states of consciousness, such as relaxation, creativity, or being ‘in the zone’. Visit www.theneuronet.com for more information on these cutting edge technologies.

What is the SR-ET® Sound Wave

SR-ET® is the abbreviated form for Sequence Response Emotional Tone Sound Wave. It is a specifically designed sequence that creates a window for the wave to communicate at a cellular level, allowing the brain to create specific patterns that increase both learning and awareness.


Performance Enhancement:

Skill Acquisition Routine & System
Strength & Speed System

Game Day Visualization System:

The Scoring Game
Player 54
Putting Mastery
Fearless Golf
In the Zone
Relax & Respond

Copyright © 2009-2019 Munz Golf Dynamics. The Abilitee Logo, Abilitee and "feel good - play well!" are Trademarks of Munz Golf Dynamics. All Rights Reserved.